Home > Book Publishing Company – Signs of a Fake Publishing Company


Fake publishing companies are successfully running their business. Why? Because people tend to fall into the trap they set for writers. They lure them to their fake schemes by providing them with such amazing packages and nice words. 

They send emails that sound like they have never seen a writer better than you (they mail it to every other writer), and in the end, they tell about their services. However, those services will look fine to you because they are exactly the same as any legit publishing company will offer. That's where people fail to see the difference between the fake and legit company. The difference is so minor that every person misses it and falls into their scam. However, there are a few things that can make you detect a fake book publishing company. 

Reading fees 

Publishing fees 

Listing on amazon 

Let's discuss these briefly and help you see the signs. 

Reading fees 

Firstly, when you open their email, you will see that their email is too good to be true. Another thing that you should see is the reading fees. It's one of the oldest scams. So, people have brought this scam back, and new writers tend to fall for it. If their email says that they will need you to pay fees for reading your work, then runaway. A book publishing company should never charge you for reading your book. Though the reading fee will be a very small amount, and that's what makes the writers fall for it. Don't fall for it. A legit company won't ever ask you to pay for reading your manuscript. 

Publishing fees 

Another way to find a fake book publishing company is to see if they ask for publishing fees. The writer should never pay to be published. If they ask you to pay the fees of printing your book, then it's a huge red flag for you. If you don't run away, then you will be wrapped up in their scam. If you wish to go for self-publishing, then, of course, there will be fees but going for a publishing company paying fees for getting your book published is a scam. 

Listing on amazon 

Since people don't know much about Amazon, the fakers tend to use this for their benefit. They will ask you to pay for listing your book on amazon. When in reality, all it takes to list your book on amazon is a few clicks. Fake book publishing companies make it sound like a complicated process when it isn't. So, when you see this, run away fast. 

These were the three signs that you should look for to see if the publishing company is fake or legit. Hope you don't fall prey to them now. 

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